Our Commitment To Privacy :

Your privacy is important to us.
We take a very minimal approach to collecting information from you.
We DO NOT sell or share your information.
We use Google Analytics only to know the traffic volume geographic location on our website, we do not use the following features :

To know more about cookies , your can read this.
When you request a trial, your are automatically subscribed to our low frequency newsletter.
You can unsubscribe from it by clicking on the links at bottom of every newsletter in the section
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We do not share this information and provide reasonable and customary efforts to ensure the information is secure.

Contact :


Mail : ubik-load-pack-sales (at) ubik-ingenierie.com


Ubik Ingénierie
23 rue du chemin de fer
59100 Roubaix, France
Tel : +
Fax : +
Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm (France time zone)

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